Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Protection

Environmental Commitment
Based on climate change and the impact that humans have had on earth, the company should implement corporate green responsibilities and pay attention to the rights and interests of all stakeholders. Further, the company should incorporate a corporate sustainable management strategy into corporate management and operational behavior. Brogent is committed to implementing environmental protection-related management and actively implements the energy conservation policy, providing corresponding resources to fulfill its corporate responsibility to environmental protection.

Energy Management
The main sources of energy used in Brogent's operations are purchased electricity and gasoline, which are used in air conditioning, lighting systems and company vehicles. We also make energy-saving improvements to save energy and reduce harm to the environment. We continued to support Earth Hour on March 25, 2023 and turned off the signboard on our exterior wall and projection lights for one hour, making people more concerned and pay more attention to the protection of Earth's environment.

Brogent currently mainly uses purchased electricity, accounting for about 81% of the total energy consumption, followed by fuel (diesel and gasoline) at 19%. All electricity is purchased from Taiwan Power Company. Electricity consumption in 2023 was 1,619.42 MWh, which is equal to 5,830.97 GJ. The total energy consumption was 5,932.09 GJ, and energy intensity was 6.88 GJ/million NTD, down 4.18% compared with the previous year.

Support Renewable Energy Generation
Brogent supports the government's green energy policy and installed a solar power system in 2016, selling the renewable energy generated back to Taiwan Power Company. The solar power system of Brogent's headquarters generated 13,916 kWh in 2023, which is equal to 50.11 GJ.

Water Resource Management
Brogent's total water withdrawal in 2023 was 10.593 million liters, in which tap water was the main source of water, accounting for approximately 8.223 million liters (accounting for 77.6%), followed by rainwater recovery, accounting for approximately 2.37 million liters (accounting for 22.4%). Brogent's water use primarily consists of domestic use in office buildings, which does not have any huge impact on water sources. To improve water use efficiency, we have established relevant measures concerning water management. For example, faucets, urinals, and toilets with water saving labels are installed in all the bathrooms in the office; a rainwater harvesting storage system is established to reclaim rainwater for plant watering. All the measures help us make proper use of water resources. In 2023, Brogent's tap water consumption increased by 0.209 million liters compared with the previous year, which is an annual water consumption per person of 0.03 million liters (an increase of approximately 5%).

The water resources used and discharged by Brogent from operations are not located in areas with water stress and will not have a significant impact on the surrounding environment.

Waste Management
Brogent is registered as a company in the creative and cultural industry, whose main business operations are the export of immersive simulation rides equipment. Most of this equipment is manufactured by third-party manufacturers and transported to the Company for pre-assembly testing, and then transported to customers for installation testing and delivery acceptance. Therefore, all waste generated by the Company is general industrial waste from offices. No hazardous industrial waste is generated. Qualified contractors (Tidies Environmental Service Corp. and Ming Xuan Environmental Engineering Limited) are commissioned to handle general industrial waste. In addition, data on waste generated by the manufacturing center (Taoyuan Plant) and Taipei Office is not available because it was not weighed. Hence, the waste data in 2023 only covers the Kaohsiung headquarters. In 2023, 13.82 metric tons of waste was generated and 10.83 metric tons was disposed. We placed trash cans for general waste and recyclables in the waste collection areas on each floor in coordination with government policy. After waste was sorted by employees and cleaning personnel, 2.99 metric tons was recycled. We would notify environmental organizations (such as the Tzu Chi Foundation) to handle and process these recycled materials for reuse, doing our part for society.

Green Buildings
After the original certification unit "Taiwan Architecture & Building Center" verified on site that the current status matches the original design on November 25, 2021, it approved the extension of the Green Building Label of Brogent's R&D Testing and Experience Center for five years until December 16, 2026. In coordination with the government's green energy policy, we assessed and considered the installation of solar panels on the rooftop of the Taoyuan Plant, Phase III plant in Kaohsiung Software Technology Park, and the plant in Ciaotou Science Park.